Friday, June 4, 2010

Many Species, One Planet, One future

More diverse ecosystem is better able to withstand environmental stress and is more productive. There is an urgent need to prohibit species extinction. Ecosystem home of many species purifies air, water, maintains stability and moderation of the climate. It decreases flooding, drought and other environmental disaster.

Destruction of one kind of wild life on earth upsets the ecological balance in nature. Biodiversity is the reservoir and manufacturer of food, pharmaceutical and cosmetic products.

Population expulsion has caused agricultural expansion, soil erosion, forest fire, over gazing, unemployment.

Unemployment the root cause of terrorism, the inflation, global warming, species extinction, ozone layer depletion is at alarming rate.

We must strive for a viable future visible in the present. We as member of a society must take it as a social responsibility to create a healthy, peaceful world for ourselves and our future generation. Nature is equipped to handle and recover from environmental damage but only to a certain limit.

5th June is celebrated as “World Environment Day”, to create awareness about our environment. Man to satisfy his greed has exploited the natural resources in ruthless manner.

Television, magazine, newspaper, radio should advertise “To save earth, save water, plant, trees and to conserve nonrenewable resources”.

Mithilesh Kumar


  1. This reminds my sister kanishka 13yr old... she too had a great love to nature... She met with a terrible accident last January... and she is no more.... She had a habbit of writing diary.. just days before the accident she has written lot about planting trees... June 1st is her birthday... Missing her a lot.. Started to plant trees on her birthday... and will be following the same in future too... I suggest the same to my friends also... U can read her diary in my blog Greenfection is a good initiative... thats similar to my kanishka's views to nature... I extend my full support to this...

  2. Population explosion is seriously a real big threat to our planet......... I think now it should be HUM DO HUMARA EK....... By having one child you can surely enjoy the happiness of parenthood and at the same time you can fully focus on the brought up and bringing of your only one........... Having one child people can more easily focus on fulfilling the needs and desires of their child....and can live a happy and content life.......on the other hand this effort will surely protect the future of our fragile planet EARTH.

  3. we have selected 40 trees that give flowers every month one by one.and we gift them to our friends on their our friend. read our article in ht 05/06/2010

  4. Mithilesh we must advertise in collaboration with different forms of media but question is how ??
    let me suggest this publicising for environment starts with us whenever we get free time we as a in dividual in our dayto day life starting from our home, relatives, friends can cover about minimum of 100 people to Spread Green.............
